Contact us

There are many good reasons which have led you to our website. One of the most important ones: You want clean energy for a reasonable price and more control over your power supply.

We will help you to achieve these goals. First of all, we are interested in the following questions: Are you connected to the national grid or do you operate a micro grid? What is your energy profile? How much energy do you need at which time? Does your personal environment provide challenges in terms of energy management and logistics?

We are looking forward to discussing with you your situation, the purchase, the specific adaptations of the turbine, the integration of energy storage at your location and the installation of your Vertical Sky® A32 wind turbine. Please take the time and answer the following short questions. We are looking forward to speaking with you.

We advise you.

Christopher Stewart_Agile Wind Power

Christopher Stewart: Europe
Senior Business Development Manager
Languages: English, German, Japanese

Manfred Wendt_Agile Wind Power

Manfred Wendt: North America 
Senior Business Development Manager
Languages: English, German

Manfred Wendt_Agile Wind Power

Iouri Pigulevski:
Representative for CIS
Sprachen: English, French, Russian

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Visualization - Vertical Sky® A 32 in industrial environment

An example how Vertical Sky® turbine could be installed in an industrial environment (visualization).


An investigation carried out by the Swiss Federal Railway (SBB) has shown, that the potential use of wind energy is four times bigger with Vertical Sky® compared to traditional wind turbines.
